Shadowing とTOEICもろもろ。


三日坊主:can't stick とか 山場:hardest part 


本日は車を長距離運転する機会があったので、行きはTOEICのPart2 を 正答率は92%。(しばらくさぼってたので、記憶で答えていた問題はしっかり間違えました。リスニングができてないってことが分かったのでよかったのかと。)





Haven't we already passed the exit? 

(A) I'm sure I bought a pass.

(B) We're all ready. 

(C) No, it's just ahead. 

(A), (B) は音で誤答へ操作してます。質問がまったく理解できてないので、容易に私は(B)で完璧✖です。

passed the exitで「出口を通り過ぎた」ってなじみがなさ過ぎて、全然脳の理解が追い付いてない状態です。 


車でのシャドーイングは英検1級のパッセージ問題をひたすら1時間くらいやりました。 writingの向上もかねて、ここでRecap writing 。内容は合ってないです。 

     The passage is written about 'Muzak.' It is a form of stimulus music for the people in the elevator to calm them down or make customers feel enjoyable in a store.

The purpose of the invention of Muzan, however, was different from now. The muzak was created to motivate workers to work hard. But one executive found that workers tend to sing and clap along with the music without concentrating on what they have to.  After that, a different system of muzak was invented, which uses music intentionally.  Thanks to the new system, workers' productivity increased by 9 percent. 

     In the 1950s, however, the popularity of muzak had dropped when people began to think it was a form of brainwashing. Therefore, now, the frequency of usage of muzak was decreased. 



【本日の成果】10790wds, Total 13780 wds.




The atmosphere of the house depends on the mood of the person who makes the most money.