Writing 学習1-3

Writing だーーーー!!!!!!!



The Internet has paved the way for the accumulation and trading of data regarding users' online habits.  


Scandals involving the sale of users' social media data, for example, are proof that our digital footprints are now lucrative commodities. Moreover, penalties for selling this data are a fraction of the revenues gained from the activity, which may incentivize corporations to continue violating people's privacy. 


3 para は digitalization of society がイントロで紹介されていました。 

Additionally, as society becomes ever more digitized, individuals are being compelled to disclose more personal data. Registering private information on governmental sites, for example, may afford citizens access to vital public services such as healthcare. Once registered, however, it may not be possible for citizens to control how their data is used, thereby, making the safeguarding of their personal details unfeasible. 


①topic sentenceはいいでしょう。それからのfor example入りも定型




unfeasible: 不可能(imposible を使わないところがにくい)






以上。 幸あれ。生きてるだけでもう十分。Seek your own fun, not others'.